Herbs n Pets Store


"Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us"
- Dr. Edward Bach, 1936

Pick a Flower

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Flower-essence remedies may help restore dogs and cats to a state of calm, a state of emotional balance in difficult times, such as, moves, transition and change.

The flowers are picked at full maturity or perfection, which is when they are about to drop.  Time intervals between picking the flowers and their preparation is kept to a minimum so that hardly any energy is lost.

Flower-Essence is not about each flower's chemical properties.
It is about each flower's subtle ~essence~ positive effect they may have on emotions.

Live flowers have influencing positive energies.

The "essence" of flowers influences the "essence" of other life.


P i c k   a  F l o w e r



Emotion Anxiety Jealousy Grief Irritable
Flower Aspen Chicory Honeysuckle Impatiens
Emotion Fear Trauma Aggressive Illness
Flower Mimulus Star of Bethlehem Holly Olive

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Agrimony helps lift the spirits.
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Aspen for anxiety attacks, for the nervous, fearful dog, especially in new circumstances.  This dog often carries its tail between its legs, may be a submissive wetter.
Aspen may help assist dogs that were harshly disciplined in the past.

for the fraidy cat that is always slinking from safe place to safe place, never being quite at ease.  Startles easily at any sound, even non-threatening sounds it has heard before. (Note that in some cases this is due to abuse or trauma in the past--in those instances Star of Bethlehem may be beneficial. : When in doubt try both Star of Bethlehem and Aspen.)
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Beech for the pet that has no tolerance for another animal or certain people.  May be effective with Walnut to assist in keeping the peace between two pets who always seem to be fighting.
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Cerato may quiet the attitude.
Cherry Plum may enable the ability to handle great forces spontaneously.  Easees fear of losing control.
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Chestnut Bud may enable to learn easily.
Chicory for the pet that follows you around, is constantly underfoot, and becomes extremely upset when left alone.  For the jealous pet.  For the affectionate pet who must always be in your lap.
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Clematis used in helping to regain consciousness after an accident or following surgery to help awaken from anesthesia.
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Crab Apple helps to remove negative impressions.
Elm may increase ability to cope with demands.
Gentian helps to overcome nervousness.
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Gorse helps to move on despite all the besets.
Heather may help the pet that is always barking in effort to be center of attention.
Holly may ease emotions of the angry pet who threatens to attack, or attacks without provocation.  Holly may be useful in treating aggressive behavior often due to jealousy, trauma or abuse in the past.
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Honeysuckle may help the pet who has lost a person or other animal they have been close to.  Star of Bethlehem may be used as well to address this condition, also along with Walnut to help adjust to a new location.
Hornbeam for fatigue.  The strengthening essence.   Helps increase vigor.
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Impatiens helps to ease irritability, tension and may enhance patience.
Larch for the pet with little or no self-confidence.  May enable the ability to look for new experiences with can do and will do feelings.
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Mimulus helps release fear, such as fear of thunderstorms, takes on inner strength and courage, radiates strength and confidence.
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Mustard may enable feelings of joy and inner serenity.
Oak helps reduce inner emotional pressure.
Olive for the totally exhausted, ill or traumatized pet.  This remedy may lend a measure of strength and comfort to the seriously ill along with Star of Bethlehem.
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Pine helps to accept the present as it is.
Red Chestnut helps to absorb peace and calm.
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Rescue Remedy for accidents, illness, separation anxiety as well as trauma and shock.
The combination of:
Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clematis flower essences are called "Rescue Remedy".
Rock Rose helps to overcome fear, terror and panic.
Rock Water may help to learn easily, accept new training, willing to change routine.
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Scleranthus helps to maintain inner balance.
Star of
for pets adopted from shelters, the abused, the physically and emotionally traumatized, either currently or in the past.
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helps to increase trust.
Vervain for the highly strung pet with a great deal of nervous energy.  For dogs who are hard to keep from jumping or barking.  This remedy may help in slowing them down.
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Vine may help enhance social tolerance, and temper aggressive, dominating behavior.
Walnut very helpful for any sort of changes that a pet may experience, such as a new baby or new pets in the house, or moving.  It helps ease adjustment.
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Water Violet may be useful for pets that were socialized late in life, and seem very stand-offish. : May help balance their enjoyable interactions with other people and animals in their environment.
may allow calm and peace to flow right through.
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Wild Oat may help to gradually grow calmer, clearer and more certain in heart and mind.
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Wild Rose may help to revise the spirit with vital energy.
Willow Willow may help strengthen inner-will to stand up against dominance.


P i c k   a  F l o w e r

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A B C E G H I L M O P R S V W  

Emotion Anxiety Jealousy Grief Irritable
Flower Aspen Chicory Honeysuckle Impatiens
Emotion Fear Trauma Aggressive Illness
Flower Mimulus Star of Bethlehem Holly Olive


Flower-Essence remedies should be given 3 or 4 times per day.  In cases of extreme stress, they may be given as often as every half-hour.

Rescue Remedy may be used every 5 to 8 minutes in times of crisis.  Place drops in drinking water, or sprinkle over food or place drops directly on their tongue.

7-10 drops for mid to large size pets

2-4 drops for cats and small dogs



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a reply will be posted in
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e-mail:  Flowers@herbsnpets.com


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Toll-Free Number: (800) 436-2963

Toll-Free Fax#: (877) 498-0441


Herbs n Pets
PO Box 568294  Dallas TX 75356

Herbs N Pets, Animal Health Products, Dallas, TX


Revised: January 31, 2023